Services Overview
Visa Assistance
We serve you with the fastest, most efficient and precise service solution to an extent that your Visa handling could even be wrapped up overnight!
We are largely networked with travel partners to facilitate the candidates with to and fro tickets, accommodation and necessary documentation!
Our Orientation sessions mentally prepare you to travel abroad, and educate about the work culture you can look forward to!
HRD Document Attestation
HRD attestation is the process of authentication of educational document.
MEA Attestation
The process of authenticating a document to a level so that another country can accept it as genuine is known as Attestation or Legalization.
MEA Apostille
India has been the member of this Convention since 2005. Apostille is done for personal documents and educational certificates.
Embassy Attestation
If you need your required documents, Elahi can help you get your documents attested from the prospective Embassies in India.
Medical Checkup
We conduct medical check-up and assist the resources in performing relevant tests. This eliminates unnecessary commotions and complications in the foreign land!